
2019.09.27 For foreign reader.

The autonomous blast cleaning robot was taken to my friend company's outside work site on one day in mid this summer when the too hottest day.
This video is  first part at AM9:30~AM11:00 of the field demonstration of  the full day.
The part scene is start from setting and loose fixing to the ABR self making generated task with his visual searching.

厚地鉄工㈱関東アスコン 〒102-0073東京都千代田区九段北1丁目7番3号九段岡澤ビル3階 TEL:03-6261-6530 FAX:03-3221-6833

厚地鉄工㈱関東アスコン 〒102-0073東京都千代田区九段北1丁目7番3号九段岡澤ビル3階 TEL:03-6261-6530 FAX:03-3221-6833